Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My wish for you today is...

...that "The winds will blow their own freshness into you,
and the storms their energy,
while cares will drop away from you
like the leaves of Autumn". 

poem by John Muir

My prayer for all of us is...

...that we will find time to rake the leaves, but don't forget to jump in them too!
...that we allow ourselves to laugh without reservation.

...that we have time to put our clothes out on the line but also to soak up the beautiful sun and feel the warm breeze they are swaying in!

 ...that we make time for play.

...that we take the time to really SEE each other.



Thank you God for all of your abundant gifts. Help us to appreciate more...to love more...to truly LIVE life to it's fullest... every single day. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

An Upcycled Autumn Scarf!!

I found this amazing tutorial from Refashionology on how to make a beautiful fall scarf from felted sweaters! I am dying to try it. :) I have a whole bin of felted sweaters that are just begging to be chopped up and made into something funky!

Here it is....

Isn't that gorgeous!?

Here is a link to the tutorial, if you would like to try making one for yourself. :)


Wouldn't that be a stunning addition to your fall wardrobe?